Rate My Professions


To be logic: we hope every moment is connecting with enjoyness. The qualification would be a sense towards ourselves. Now turning around, with emtion to create a list and distribute likenss into different aspects. With personal perspectives to give us a feedback about the professions. By rating them in a mathematical way, our system will process our comments for the public. 


Distributions 分布:

pleasing feedback as scores: 1-10, 10 implies the best. 请使用分数1-10 表达喜欢,10是最高级

*Abstract efficiency 理性理解中的效率:

*Abstract speciality 理性理解中的专长:

*Emotional communication skill 感性认知下的沟通方式:

*Emotional loyalty 感性认知下的诚实度:

*Overall in oneness 理性和感性的统一打分:


