Enjoy OneDay 热闹生活

Abstraction as a brain to find, to think, to analyse what is a suitable society for human beings. It is independent, it also is an individual world. Individualism is its whole world; actually, it is oneness. This is our aim which to provide the facts as much purchasing the fact, whether it is or not — it is people’s rights. Being autonomy in our society* We will devote our congition, our motivation, and our effort with everyone.* 



Like a colllage, joyfulness ease with event organization.

Healthy living and recreation

- 居民健康和福祉

- 健康的生活和娱乐

- 利用智慧技术和互联数据克服问题

-影响健康因素:福利(wellbeing)、居民与社区参与(Resident and Community Engagement)、健康成果(Health Outcomes)、资源利用提升(Improved Rescource Use)。

- 许多公共卫生问题通常是个人、环境、社会文化和政治影响的复杂组合,这些因素难以使用传统方法进行衡量和评估。让居民在身体上、精神上和情感上联系起来,帮助他们过上健康、安全和快乐的生活:通过解决孤独感、关联性和归属感缺失等影响健康的社会决定性因素,来预防负面的健康后果。



Feedback on professions 回馈信息

* contractor 工程组

* designer 设计组

* steward 服务组

*cleanness 清洁组